With the help of a local farmer in Newton, ON we were able to recover the balloon capsule, including all the data and video!
Was down in Vegas for some business/pleasure over the weekend. Naturally, I found a bit of time to take the old Gnome out for some photographs: View the rest of the gallery here.
I got a call this morning from a blocked number. I normally don’t even answer these but for some reason I decided to answer it. The call turned out to be from a very kind gentleman near Millbank, who told me he had found our balloon capsule! Apparently, it had come down in a corn…
The hallway in our apartment has always been kind of creepy. It’s long and narrow, the floor is uneven, and it’s poorly lit. When we first moved in, the light flickered like something out of a horror movie. It was such a terrifying hallway to walk down that it’s eeriness has become an ongoing joke…
I finally got around to getting the photo gallery for my travelling gnome. He’s travelled with me everywhere I’ve ever been (except for that one sad trip in which I forgot to bring him to London) and is my constant travelling companion. View the gallery here! You can follow him on Twitter and on…
Yup, got an email earlier this week from the wonderful folks at http://www.apartmenttherapy.com saying that they were going to point an article about my balcony, and now here it is – how cool is that!? It’s funny… even though I was the one who sent out the emails to a couple of my favorite how-to sites, I…
My project partner Oksana suggested that I post my ball pit step-by-step on Instructables.com. So I did that this morning and discovered when I got home in the evening that they had featured it on their homepage. How cool is that?! Once I we do a successful balloon launch I’ll do one for that too!…
I’ve created a RocketHub project to raise funds for the next launch of our balloon. Reaching out to colleagues, friends, and family with this ole’ link
An old colleague of mine suggested another possible reason that the 3G iPhone we put in our capsule may have failed during it’s descent. Apparently, if left out in the sun too long or otherwise overheated, iOS will shut down the device in order to prevent damage. Since Apple lists the 3G’s non-operating temperature as…
A lot of people have asked me “Why would you, as an adult, want to own a ball pit?” And the answer every time is “because of this xkcd comic.” There’s something about a ball pit that just screams PURE FUN. You cant sit in a ball pit and not smile. It’s like you turn to jello…