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Near-space Balloon

In which we sent and iPhone and a camera to the stratosphere – referred to as near-space – or 100,000 feet above the earth using a pair of custom-built iPhone built iOS apps and a very impressive server-side flightpath predictor.

  • Grapple Interested In Our Balloon

    After talking with Oksy yesterday about tue balloon for a bit I received an email out of the blue from the PR Manager at Grapple asking about it. She wants to meet tomorrow to see if there’s anything they can do to help with it and/or promote it. To me it sounds like they just…

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  • Back to the Balloon

    I spent the day getting as much if the VA UK site done as I could. Updated Discovery and he knows now that we need graphics and content to get any further. That means that all my major tasks are done… I’m back onto my own projects again. The Challenge and the Space Balloon are…

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